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Create a FREE Active Nottingham account or join Fitness+

Create an Active Nottingham Pay as You Go account or join our Fitness+ memberships to get access to 6 gyms, 6 swimming pools and health suites, and over 300 classes every week!

It’s so simple to join an Active Nottingham Membership:

1. Click ‘JOIN NOW’ to go to our membership portal

2. Click ‘Buy Membership’

3. Choose your preferred leisure centre/gym

4. Choose your membership and select from:

  • Annual Memberships – Pay upfront for greater savings
  • Monthly Memberships – Our most flexible memberships, with a 30-day cancellation period
  • Agreement Memberships – Monthly direct debit memberships on a 12-month contract

To learn about our Swim School memberships or Fitness+, visit our enquiries page instead.

If you don’t fancy a paid membership, why not create a FREE Active Nottingham Pay As You Go account instead (and receive £1 discount on activities)?

1. Click ‘JOIN NOW’ to go to our membership portal

2. Click the ‘Sign up’ button to create a FREE Pay As You Go* account

3. Choose your preferred leisure centre/gym and enter your personal details

*Important Information – Upgrading: if you select the Free Active Nottingham account or Swim+ account and then wish to upgrade, you will need to contact our Customer Service Team here or speak to your local leisure centre to upgrade – this cannot be done online.*

Sports hall

Or get in touch with our friendly Customer Service Team

Email: sportandleisure@nottinghamcity.gov.uk | Phone: 01158761600